Saturday, 16 November 2019


According to Kavya, it is one of the best characters she has ever got. Kamal, who was inspired by the thematic significance and dramatic value of the story, immediately picked it up for his next film. Narayanan, asked Iqbal to do an article for its anniversary edition. Retrieved 16 April Archived from the original on 10 July And the footage looks nice. Retrieved 2 June panjaram telugu songs

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Even though the film had a limited release it to become a box office winner. Unfortunately after a short period of happy life, he dies due sonts drowning.

Tapas Nayak, who was an assistant of H. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Kamal had visited several labour camps in Saudi Arabia and had gathered information from a jail personnel to know more about the life of the people there. Kavya Madhavan 's lead performance has been rated as one panjarram the best in her career.

Panjaram Songs Download, Panjaram Telugu MP3 Songs, Telugu Songs

Archived from the original on 28 October Archived from the original on 2 June Surekha 31 March Iqbal's feature published in Bhashaposhini. The film's background score has been composed by M.

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Only the structure of the story is fictional, the rest of it has been picked up from various individual experiences. Aswathi had to face numerous troubles - sexual abuse and battery in the sponsor's house. Even before the idea germinated into the story, she was decided as the protagonist. Retrieved 4 February Views Read Edit View history.

panjaram telugu songs

Archived from the original on 17 March The New Indian Express. She is subsequently exposed to a slavery-like vocation and is taken up under a sponsor to work for him as a maid.

Panjaram Songs

Archived from sonys original on 19 January This, I thought, was a marked deviation from that. The film was launched in October with its pre-shooting blessing held in Kochi[19] filming began on 20 October in Dubai.

After entering into much more troubles, she reaches Razak, who was actually in a search for her.

Nair 11 March It was stressful, but we managed it. After she lands in Saudi Arabia, she is forced to wear a burqa at all times, due to the strict dress code of the country.

panjaram telugu songs

The central character, Aswathi, appears in a black Pardah in major parts of the film. Pradeep under the banner of Anitha Productions. Anandan 4 March On the parallel, we see Aswathi running into some good and bad people, eventually culminating in a deportation.

The movie is a decent depiction of lives in exile in the Middle East. He inquires her about the complete story.

Khaddama - Wikipedia

Retrieved from " https: The story follows Razak, who tries to trace Aswathi who had songx during while escaping torture. It had a limited release in about thirty theatres in Kerala on 4 February The songs are composed by the duo Bennet Veetraag [49] and feature lyrics by noted poet Rafeeque Ahammed.

Retrieved 1 February

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